Yo Peeps!

Today Mommy learned to not give me ice cream before bed time.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No sleep for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I heard that there are photos of me..um...topless with some measuring spoons.
Do not believe them! They were Photoshoped!
My legal team is trying to get them removed.

Super Big Weekend!

Story time - the theme was a Picnic. I met a boy named Oliver
Then we went to see something called an Alpaca. Curious creatures. I also saw sheep.
Mommy made chicken and corn soup. I ate it, but I spit it at her.
Then we had strawberry smoothies. Yummy!!!!

On Sunday, we went to a big park with a buffet. I ate yogurt and some waffle. I like waffle.
I also ate grass.

Summer Time!

I went to the Butterfly Pavilion today. I saw lots of cool critters and pretty butterflies. A few even landed on me! I got to try out my new stroller. It's orange.