I Can Do It!

I know where my nose is.

Do you?


Man, what a busy weekend!
Grandma and Pop were here and we did super cool stuff.
Red Robin!
Story Time!

I need a vacation.

You Gotta Try This!

The new strawberry banana Vivanno smoothie from Starbucks is the tastiest thing I've ever drank through a straw!

Big Day!

I got to eat breakfast out at the Egg and I. I did not see the Egg.
Then I got to play with Kaitlyn and Max. I stole Max's spoon. He gave me a ball toy.

Went to the peach festival and for pizza. Festival was terrible!
They were all EATING peaches. Tragic. We liberated a medium bag of them for $9.

I saw a dog wearing sunglasses.

Ate a big supper, now off to bed.


Competitive Eating

It's a career path I'm considering.
I think I'd be good at it.

Shout Out!

Hi PaPa! Thanks for coming over for supper.
Next time you can give me your ice cream.


I went swimming with my friend Ella today.
It was fun and wet.
I got to take a shower!
Then, I ate fish sticks.

1 Year Stats

Weight: 22 lbs. 0.5 oz. (75%)

Height: 31.25 in. (97%)

Head Circ: 18.375 in. (90%)

Tall, skinny, big brain!

Day 367 - Bad!

I was stabbed in the leg THREE times after being strip searched.
Seriously not cool.

Oh, look, balloons!

The Letter B

It is my favorite letter. All cool stuff starts with the letter 'B'.

Just Look!
  • Balloons
  • Books
  • Bottle
  • Birds
  • Bunny
  • Belly
  • Ball
  • Bumblebee


I got my own menu and I got chicken on a stick and oranges and ice cream and they sang to me and I got a balloon and it was so much fun!


People bought me stuff. It's really cool.
I got...
  • Ice cream and tropical clothes
  • Books about Pigeons
  • Books about Caterpillars
  • Books about Birds
  • Music Toys
  • Big Squishy Ball
  • Dressy Bessy
  • Money
  • Bounce N' Spin Zebra
  • Balloons!
  • Bath Toys

Day 365 - Best Day EVER!

Today was the best day ever!
Details after my much needed nap.

Pineapple Arts & Crafts Time

A birthday gift to the Pineapple Princess...


I am so excited for my birthday party tomorrow!
I wonder what a birthday party is???

Teeth are a Health Hazard

How can teeth I don't even have yet make me cry and not eat?????
What will it be like when I have them?????

A Warning from the Pineapple Princess

I was recently informed about a rash of unauthorized Pineapple merchandise available for sale.
We believe this started at the Estes Park True Value with a line of infant swimsuits.
Please be aware that this is NOT official merchandise and will likely fall apart after a few uses.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Zia - Pineapple Princess & Official Pineapple Nation Merchandise Selection Committee Chair


This is not the the website I thought this was going to be...



This Pineapple Queen is a fraud!

Important Lesson

It is not a good idea to stick 3 puffs in your mouth and then try to crawl.
I threw up on Mommy's feet.

An Open Letter

To the Parents of Typhoid Timmy who decided it was a good idea to take your disease ridden child to the Children's Museum on Monday....

Thanks a lot!

I am tired of pooping and not eating.

Please reply and I will send you some common sense for my Birthday.


Barenaked Ladies

Who needs sleep?
(well you're never gonna get it)
Who needs sleep?
(tell me what's that for)
Who needs sleep?
(be happy with what you're getting
There's a guy who's been awake
since the Second World War)


I am fussy today.
All I want is Tylenol and a good nights sleep!
(Oh, and Puffs. I love Puffs.)

Birthday Party!!!!

I'm having a Caterpillar party!!! (Animals, not Heavy Equipment).
Don't be jealous.

Big Day

I went to the Children's Museum! I was expecting exhibits about children.
Instead it was a bunch of stuff to play with.
Then I went to a bar, ate a turkey sandwich and watched ESPN. It was so cool.

Weird Rituals

These large outdoor bathtubs are weird.
I can't get clean with my clothes on.

July - An Update

Still eating, only now with a lot more teeth AND I feed myself when it's convenient.
Still crawling, only now I pull myself up all the time.
Still sleeping, only now I try to get out of my crib.
Still playing, only now I know the names of toys. (Bunny! Birds! Lamb! Clock! Book! 12345678910!)
Still going out, only now I crawl everywhere at story time and ride large animals.
Still working in the shop, only now I'm planning to hit the big time with cash for clunkers.
Still Princessin' the Pineapples, only now I'm taller than they are.


Where have I been for the past month?????

Yo Peeps!

Today Mommy learned to not give me ice cream before bed time.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No sleep for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I heard that there are photos of me..um...topless with some measuring spoons.
Do not believe them! They were Photoshoped!
My legal team is trying to get them removed.

Super Big Weekend!

Story time - the theme was a Picnic. I met a boy named Oliver
Then we went to see something called an Alpaca. Curious creatures. I also saw sheep.
Mommy made chicken and corn soup. I ate it, but I spit it at her.
Then we had strawberry smoothies. Yummy!!!!

On Sunday, we went to a big park with a buffet. I ate yogurt and some waffle. I like waffle.
I also ate grass.

Summer Time!

I went to the Butterfly Pavilion today. I saw lots of cool critters and pretty butterflies. A few even landed on me! I got to try out my new stroller. It's orange.

I'm Back!

For some reason I can't blog when Mommy is gone. I think she knows the password.

It's been a weird week. I didn't see Mommy for two days and today I saw her the whole day.

We went to Chipotle (I ate a banana), the Post Office (I sat on the counter), and SuperTarget (I ate paper, lost Ursula and found Ursula).

Movin' and Groovin'

Mommy and Daddy are rearranging everything, putting cool stuff up high and locking up the cabinets. Weird. I wonder if it has anything to do with me crawling forwards really fast.
I love to play with Mommy's laptop.

I have THREE teeth.

I went to Lowe's, the plant store and Chipotle today. Now I need a big nap.

I eat all the time. Mommy says I can have Lasagna for dinner. Cool.

9 Month Weigh In

19 lbs. 9 oz.!
Dr. Beuf says I have a big brain and I'm going to be a tall girl!

Ursula the Ulcer

So Much Fun I Can't Sleep

Burger King....Toy Store.....Park
I got a Stomach Ulcer. It's a toy, not a disease.


I ate an avocado today. It needed a little lime and salt. Chips would have been nice too.

Me and Mom

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

My mom's cool. She left me at Grammie's so she could go out to see Joel McHale and Star Trek. It's not like I wanted to go or anything.

Oh wait, she reads this.
I love you mom!!!!!!!

Is There a Doctor In The House?

I think I'm getting fangs.
I'm worried I might be a Vampire.


I'm on a nap strike.
I don't know what my demands are though.

Pineapple Update

Dear Pineapple Nation -
It's time for our annual spring fling. It will be Sadie Hawkins style this year, so all you Pineapple gals ask your favorite Pineapple to be your date.
Music will be provided by Bananarama.

Guess What I Can Do?

I can shake my head 'No' at everything AND I can pee out of my crib.
Big day so far.

This Weekend in Zia

I can crawl really well....backwards.
I'm stuck in reverse.

Went to Fazoli's today. I had fun in my highchair.
Mommy bought me pants with skulls and bows on them.

Fo Shizzle

I got to play with Cheerios today. I don't think any made it in my mouth though. They are so tiny!

I fed Mommy peaches. It was funny. I like to share.


This isn't good.

Let's Hear It For the Boys

A boy tried to kiss me at music class.
Daddy is going to beat him up next week.

Zia's Auto Tip #327

You should get your brake system flushed every 2 years.

Call me to schedule your free summer auto check up today!

WARNING: Target Brand Diapers

They make your butt red and puffy.
Not cool.

Happy Easter!!!!

Lots of things to report.

I went to the park and I love the swings. It was the coolest park ever. There was ballroom dancing, a rock climbing wall and fresh air.

I say 'Da-Da'. I say it all the time. Daddy seems to like that.

The Easter Bunny came today!
I got the book 'Pat the Bunny', a pink elephant with hair and an Easter egg rattle.

I'm hoping to get some cheesecake for dinner.

April Fools!

I told the Pineapples that we were being taken over by the Chiquita bananas to form the 'Pine-nanas' (or possibly the 'Ban-apples') and they would have to start growing in bunches and wearing jackets.

7 Pineapples were hospitalized for fainting.

I didn't realize that the Pineapples weren't familiar with April Fools Day.


The snow is good for business, so I have been busy at the shop.

Today I went for pictures with Mommy and Grammie. I did not smile very much. The photographer kept singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, which I liked, but thought was kind of weird since it's April.

We met Daddy for lunch at Chipotle. I had bananas.
It has been a good day.


Went to story time at the library. It was Peek a Boo day!
Burped really loud in the middle.
Checked out a book and a CD.
Went to TV to see Grammie and PaPa.
Went to Lowes and Chipotle for a giant burrito. Ate sweet potatoes and chicken instead.
Bed Time.
(I think mommy is watching Grey's Anatomy without me again.)


I am snowed in with my Mommy, Grammie, and Daddy.
I ate a snowball.
We are having homemade pizza and cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Shout Out

Happy Birthday Great Aunt Melody!!
Grammie and I are calling you later today.

Shout Out!

Shout Out to Aunt Maggi!
Woof Woof!

My Saturday in Longmont

I went and had lunch at The Rib House. They make really tasty Apples & Apricots.
Then we went to the park! I played and got to ride on the swing with Daddy.
Then I went to Kohl's and took a nap and then to Target.
It was a busy fun day!

Story Time!

Grammie took me to story time at the Estes Park library on Friday.
It was Pizza Day!
There was a pizza book and a pizza cartoon and real pizza.
I had lots of fun.

Then Grammie went to lunch (pizza) and bought me a new book.

Mommy is appalled that they had videos at the library.
She's taking me next week. I hope there's not an incident.

Pineapple Awakening

I am happy to report that ALL the Pineapples awoke safe and sound during the Great Pineapple Wake Up.
I want to thank Grammie for an inspired invocation and to Chuck Norris for leading the parade.
We had 115 visitors to the Greenhouse, a new record.

However, there was an 'incident' at the parade in which evil corporate conglomerates 'Dole' and 'Del Monte' arrived and tried to capture many different varieties of fruit. (It turns out that they had secretly had us certified organic.)

They were distributing disturbing propaganda, as seen here.

Chuck Norris led a group of badgers, beavers,and porcupines to take out the evil doers.

There is legal action pending.

Important Update

Due to pending legal action against 'Dole' and 'Del Monte' for activities that occurred during the First Annual Celebration of Fruit parade, I have not be allowed to update the blog. The ban has been lifted and I can now break my silence.


I gotta stop eating those Lean Cuisine meals for dinner.
I always wake up at 4:30 am really hungry.

Peek a Boo!

I can play Peek a Boo. It's fun.

Pineapple Press Release

It's Official - The Pineapples will awaken from their winter slumber on Saturday, March 14!
The badgers and the insomniac Pineapples have been working feverishly on the festivities.

All are welcome to come and tour the new Greenhouse and take a ride on the Pineapple Express for $9 ea. Children 2 and under are free.

The Great Pineapple Wake Up '09 schedule is as follows:

8:00 am - Pineapples start to awaken
8:30 am - Address by the Pineapple Princess to all Pineapples
8:45 am - Invocation by Honorary Pineapple Grammie
9:00 am - Doors Open to Public
12:00 pm - First Annual Celebration of Fruit Parade (with Grand Marshall, Chuck Norris)
2:00 pm - Pineapple Pool Party (closed to Public)
4:00 pm - Public tours end


Paparazzi found me in Illinois!

7 Months

That's how old I am today.

What a Week!

I don't even know where to begin!
I am sick right now. So are Mommy, Daddy, and Grammie.
I got sick in the car yesterday and got to go to a big fancy house to get cleaned up.
I feel better this morning.

Pineapples are good. Everything is going as scheduled for the big wake up this week.


Trip Update

Day 1: Threw up on airplane.
Day 2: Peed on self at Cracker Barrel
Day 3: A little boy brushed my hair.

I'm not sure I like life at sea level.

I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane

Mommy sure is packing a lot of stuff...
I don't know when I'll be back again!


Why ARE there so many songs about rainbows?


I went to physical therapy rehab today. I played on a ball and ate a frog.
Then I got to go to Olive Garden.

Mommy got me a new jacket at Gymboree to wear on vacation.

Fun Day!


I got my shots today. They hurt. I was a big, brave girl though.
They poked my toe. I got a dinosaur bandage.

The Pineapples will be up soon.
We are planning to open up the greenhouse to visitors for $9/person starting in March.
You don't want to miss the Great Pineapple Wake Up of '09. I'm thinking about selling T-Shirts too.

I said 'Ma-ma' today. I'm not sure what that means.

Me and Mom

My new stroller is a sweet ride!

Shopping is Fun!

What a Day!

For today's breakfast I had bananas, oatmeal, peaches and apples with cinnamon! Yum.
I drank a lot of water. I made a mess.
I had a play date with Kaitlyn at Panera. She is 2 hours younger than me. I am cuter.
I went shopping at the mall.
I think I am really close to getting a tooth.
Tonight is bath night.

Tomorrow, I'm taking Mr. Bird on a walk around Lake Estes.

Zia's Auto Tip #326

A clean car will get you an extra 8% on your trade in value.
My shop does auto detailing. You can get a wash and vacuum for only $15.95 with each oil change.


Hello Blog Readers!
I wore my Olbermann fan t-shirt today with blue pants with a ruffle butt. Very stylish.
I ate peas with brown rice for dinner and drank some water. Very tasty.
I played with my toys, read a book and I'm off to bed.

Rudolph is still my favorite song.

Good Night!


They finally gave me water today.
I have been thirsty for months now!
I drink out of a cup like a big girl.

My Monday

I went to see Dr. Beuf today. I weigh 16 pounds!
I am glad to be home and playing with all my new toys.
I had pears with cinnamon for lunch. Yumm.

Valentine's Day Sucks

I spit up all my peas on my dress at the party.
Mommy got the stomach flu so I am staying with Grammie again tonight.
Mommy misses me very much!
Daddy just came over to give me a bath and bring me diapers. He is cool.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I have a big party tonight.
There might be boys there.
I am going to wear a dress.
If Valentine's Day is cool, I may have to get the Pineapples up early next year so they don't miss it.

Big Girl

I can feed myself! (sort of.)


Apples are good.
Sippy cups are not so good.


Today is Garth Brooks's birthday. I don't know who that is, but Mommy seems to care.
Tomorrow is my 6 month birthday. I think everyone should care about that.


I refuse to stop talking despite the fact that no one seems to understand what I am saying.

I Don't Like New Things

Sweet Potatoes are.... Orange.

Baby Nights

I like to go to raves at Club Rainforest.
I am attracted to shiny things.


Time flies when you're busy running your own business, preparing for the Pineapples awakening, and learning to eat solid food.
Just today, I went for a walk, did some grocery shopping and ate some Mac n' Cheese at Noodles.


Oatmeal is very, very tasty.
Next time I want it with brown sugar and cinnamon.

Zia's Auto Tip #325

To get the best mileage out of your vehicle, you should get your spark plugs changed every 30k miles.

My shop offers that service with our Deluxe Service Package for only $39.95. (Foreign cars are extra.)

Cool Stuff About Me

  1. My feet are fun.
  2. I can wave at Mommy.
  3. I can turn on my aquarium.
  4. I can yell in a restaurant.
  5. I like bath time.
  6. I eat my rice cereal.

New Friend

Lucy the Kitty is my new friend.
I petted her and she liked it.

Missing! - Update

Monkey has been safely returned.
All is well.

Pineapple's Funniest Home Videos


Have you seen this Monkey?

He has been missing since 1/08/09.
My other Monkey is lonely.

$5 Reward for his safe return.

Official Song of the Pineapples

Pineapple Princess

"Pineapple Princess," he calls me, "Pineapple Princess," all day
As he plays his ukulele on the hill above the bay.
"Pineapple Princess, I love you, you're the sweetest girl I've seen.
Some day we're gonna marry and you'll be my Pineapple Queen."

I saw a boy on Oahu isle
Floatin' down the bay on a crocodile.
He waved at me and he swam ashore
And I knew he'd be mine forevermore.

"Pineapple Princess," he calls me, "Pineapple Princess," all day
As he plays his ukulele on the hill above the bay.
"Pineapple Princess, I love you, you're the sweetest girl I've seen.
Some day we're gonna marry and you'll be my Pineapple Queen."

He sings his song from banana trees
He even sings to me on his water skis.
We went skin-divin' and beneath the blue
He sang and played his ukulele, too.

"Pineapple Princess, I love you, you're the sweetest girl I've seen.
Some day we're gonna marry and you'll be my Pineapple Queen."

We'll settle down in a bamboo hut
And he will be my own little coconut.
Then we'll be beachcombin' royalty
On wicky-wicky wacky Waikiki.

"Pineapple Princess," he calls me, "Pineapple Princess," all day
As he plays his ukulele on the hill above the bay.
"Pineapple Princess, I love you, you're the sweetest girl I've seen.
Some day we're gonna marry and you'll be my Pineapple Queen."

Splish Splash

I took a little bath.

I peed all over everything at Target today.


I like to eat my food off my bib.
It's better than a spoon.


I do not feel good today. I need to take a nap.
Tylenol.. take me away.

Zia's Rap

Zia is my name and
laughing is my game
I laugh all the time
When my mama sings her rhymes.



Change is here.
I needed it.


Rice Cereal is NOT like Rice Krispies.


My buddy Max came over today.
Mommy made French Toast.
Max played with my blocks.
Max can stand up. I find that to be intimidating, yet intriguing.


I love the bathroom at Red Robin.
They play good music and they have a TV to watch.
The toilet flushing makes me freak out though.

Zia's Song of the Day

Born To Be Wild -- Steppenwolf

Mommy is very funny when she sings it to me.


Grammie says I can move flip myself around in my crib. Weird.
I am very good at finding my own feet. Weird.
I get very fussy when I don't take a nap. Weird.


For those of you not familiar with Noodles. Click here.

My Day

I want to go back to Red Robin.


Grammie blows bubbles.
They are fun.

Scandal - Update

Intelligence reports have cleared Grammie of any wrong doing in the Kroger Pineapple scandal. Her Honorary Pineapple status is not in danger.

However, since Grammie is from Illinois where corruption runs rampant, the Pineapples will keep an eye on her for any future impropriety.

Pineapple Princess Zia

Music Class

I went to music class tonight. It was fun!
There was a guitar and babies that could crawl.
I want to do that someday.

Scandal Rocks Pineapple Nation

The following photo was recently taken in the cupboard of Honorary Pineapple, Grammie. It seems that Grammie is somehow involved with known Pineapple enemy, Kroger.

A hearing to determine Grammie's future as a Honorary Pineapple will be held when the Pineapples wake from their slumber in late March.

No further comment.

Pineapple Princess Zia

More Mad Baby Skills

I slept ALL night with out my swaddle.
Then when I got up, I played with my FEET.
I'm a big girl!

Pineapple Express Press Release

The Pineapples have just received funding for our new monorail, the Pineapple Express. This will allow the Pineapples to move around faster and more efficiently once they leave the Greenhouse.
The Pineapple Express is due to open in the Fall.


I think I might like to eat Junior Mints and Diet Coke.


Grammie says the Sci Fi channel might hire me to make dinosaur noises.

Fun Tip

It is fun to make loud noises with your mouth.
I am going to Noodles tomorrow!

Sweat Pants

I like wearing my pink sweat pants and going to Grammie's.
It is very windy today.
I got to wear my new hat.

A Very Special Shout Out

I would like to extend a very special Pineapple Princess shout out to my loyal reader, Jeremy.
I saw you when I was very little.

Shout Out!

Shout Out to Grammie!
Hi Grammie.

Shout Out!

Shout out to Auntie Dawn and Uncle Derick!
Did you fix the Tahoe?

Shout Out!

Shout Out to Papa!
I'm going to try not to grow teeth so I don't have to go to the dentist.
It sounds bad.

Shout Out!

Shout Out to Grandma B and Pop!
Mommy says we are coming to see you next month.
I hear good things about 'Polar Whip'.

Mad Skills

I can grab things now.
I like hair.


Holy Crap! Is that a monkey????

Me and My Peeps


Leg Warmers are in, right?

Good Day!

I love Noodles!
They like me there.
I was 'Baby of the Day' at the Arts Co-op on Pearl St.
A fun old lady with a blue necklace sang to me.
I laughed.
Daddy fed me in the Whole Foods parking lot.
We went to Target.
Now we are home.

New Year's Resolution

I made a New Year's Resolution to get up early every morning.
It's working out great!

Zia's Auto Tip #324

If you get a code P0446 on your old Tahoe, here's what you can do to fix it. This is pretty common. (This also could apply to old Yukons, Escalades, some Sierras and Silverados)

An intermittent condition could be caused by a damaged evaporative emission (EVAP) vent housing, a temporary blockage at the EVAP vent solenoid inlet, or a pinched vent hose. A blockage in the vent system will also cause a poor fuel fill problem.

An EVAP canister, vent hose, or vent solenoid valve that has restricted flow may cause this DTC to set. Using purge solenoid valve command with a scan tool will allow vacuum to be applied to the system instead of pressure. With the EVAP canister vent solenoid valve open and the EVAP canister purge solenoid valve commanded to 100 percent , vacuum should not increase to more than 9 inches H2O.

Pineapple Request

Dear Blog Readers -
The Pineapples will be collecting your unused Candy Canes this year. We place them around the area as they make wonderful pest repellents.

Your help is appreciated.

Pineapple Princess Zia

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I'm blogging from Grammie's 'cause our Internet is out at home. I hope it is fixed soon!

I'm going to Noodles tomorrow. It is my favorite.