New Year's Eve!

I'm going to Red Lobster with Grammie, Papa, Mommy and Daddy today.

Mommy found out 1 year ago today that she was having ME!

Note to Grammie

Yes, all the guys in the shop are professional ASE certified mechanics.

Zia's Auto Tip #323

Always make sure your shop uses name brand oil when you get your oil changed.
Make sure they dispose of it in an ecologically friendly manner too.

(Of course, if you come to my shop, you don't have to worry about it. We do things right.)


We've been so backlogged at the shop that I haven't had time to blog.
I'm taking the rest of the week off to do baby stuff.
I'm going to work on grabbing things with my hands.


I'm the Sweetest Sweetum that ever Sweeted a Sweetum!

(Mommy says so.)

Weigh In

In this corner....Weighing in at 13 pounds 7.5 ounces.....
ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA Kissinger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy Got New Software

Click to make me bigger.


I had a fun day with Grammie while Mommy and Daddy went out shopping.
They ate fish. I ate milk.
They bought me a book.

By The Way

I rolled over today.
Go me!


Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

Me and My Stuff


Here's what I got. Pictures to come.
  • Books with pretty pictures
  • French nursery rhyme book
  • Sock Monkey
  • Music Bird
  • Octopus
  • Sophie LaGiraffe
  • Ziabra (Zebra) Puppet (handknit in Kenya!)
  • Socks (yah! - from the Pineapples)
  • Leg wamers
  • Pretty outfits
  • Work clothes for the shop
  • Pony rattle (from Stella & Mr. Turtle)
  • Gold coins
  • Squishy blocks
  • Alphabet blocks
  • Sweater Monkey
  • A TRIPP TRAPP! (I don't really know what this is yet, but mommy is excited.)
I am one lucky baby!

Santa Found ME!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!
I hope Santa found you too.

Dang It

It's Christmas and I'm awake.
I don't understand why I can't open my presents now.
Mommy told Lucy and I that we have to wait until 'morning'.

Merry Christmas Eve!

I'm going to stay up and wait for Santa.
I have cookies for him and caramel corn for the reindeer.

Urgent Pineapple Nation Update

It was brought to my attention by Pineapple Intelligence Officer Great Aunt Melody that some of our beloved Pineapples were kidnapped by grocery conglomerate Aldi's.

A strike team, led by honorary Pineapple Chuck Norris, was able to successfully rescue the Pineapples and return them to the greenhouse.

The rogue porcupine has been removed from duty and replaced by a loyal badger.

Pineapple Princess Zia

Ear Muffs are Fun!

I like Kenny G.


Daddy put SPACE in the washing machine.


food? hands? food? hands?

Pineapple Update

The pineapples are resting comfortably in the greenhouse.
The porcupines have successfully warded off attacks from the tomatoes and pine nuts (the mentally unstable pineapples).

The Princess weather service is estimating that the Pineapples will be awaking the 3rd Thursday in March, weather permitting.
At that time we celebrate the coming season with Pineapple Fest '09.


My first tree.
Look at all those presents!

Look at Me!

I'm a big girl!

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Sing it again!
and again!
and again!
and again!

Hee Hee!

St. Bernard

I need a ShamWow to absorb all of my drool.


Mommy and Daddy are open late, just like Wendy's.
I just ordered a 4oz'er of Similac off the dollar menu.

Pineapple Princess BiMonthly Physician Check Up

  • I weigh 13 1lbs 1/2 oz.
  • I am 24" long (Grammie says they can use me to measure fabric at TV)
  • I am a very, very good girl
  • I got 2 shots
  • I got 2 Tweety Bird band-aids
  • Dr. Beuf is nice
  • I am fit to continue serving as Princess Pineapple


It is very cold and I am very pink.


Caught me in my official PJ's again...

Zia's Auto Tip #322

With proper care by a certified mechanic many of today’s cars can last 200,000 miles or more, and owners seeking to limit repair costs by trading in their vehicle every three to five years may lose out on thousands of savings.

Fun Day

I love the Red Lobster bathroom.
I like the music at Safeway.
I am glad it is Friday.


Santa's wearing a cowboy hat.
Pretend to be asleep.

Spread the Word


I'm a 12 piece original recipe fuss bucket.

Santa News Alert

The Santa at the mall is NOT the real Santa.
The real Santa would not hide behind trees and make you pay to see him.

I'm going to see the REAL Santa tomorrow.


Grammie got me my favorite... triple espresso shot!

No Affiliation

My Castle


Mommy's bangs are VERY funny.

Grandma and Pop

Grandma and Pop came to visit me.
They are very cool.
Pop has hair like me.
Grandma feeds me.
I will miss them.

Happy Birthday to ME!

I am 4 months old today.
I'm kickin' it in space.

Auntie Dawn Reads My Blog!

That is cool.


It's so cold outside. I'm glad I live inside.
I played Roly Poly with Grammie today.
She says I am very smart.

I get to see Grandma B and Pop tomorrow. I hope they're bringing their frost hats!


I am a very sleep girl today.
I played hard today.
I ate my food and slept at the same time.
I will be a very happy baby in the morning. (Hopefully not before 6, says Mommy).

Oh Yeah

I can use both hands at the same time.
Take that, Mr. Bird.


The Pineapples have officially gone into hibernation for the winter.
During this time I will get caught up on all my Princess paperwork and plan our spring activities.
We have hired porcupines to guard the greenhouse during this time.

Princess Pineapple Zia

Zia's Auto Tip #321

You can take your car to any certified mechanic. You don't have to take it to the dealership to avoid voiding the warranty.
Typically, an independent mechanic is your most economical choice. (due to the use of child labor)
They also have better hours and cuter mechanics.

Shout Out!

Shout out to Grandma B and Pop.
I hear that I will see you very soon!

Good Morning!

I slept a long time.
I ate my food.
I read a book about Panda Bears.
We are decorating for Christmas today. I think that might be cool.

Saturday Adventure

I went to Boulder today with Mommy, Daddy, and the bald man.
It was cold and I was bundled up.
We ate at The Kitchen. We sat by the kitchen.
Mommy bought me some Christmas presents. She wouldn't let me see them.
I went to the bus station and said Bye to the bald man. He was nice. I liked watching him eat his food.
I was a very, very good girl.

Pineapple Power!

A Warm Greeting from the Pineapple Princess


Daddy's Sweatshirt

I got poop on it.

Hello All!

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was too busy with my Black Friday shopping.
Plus, the Pineapples finished up the greenhouse. We are having a grand opening on Sunday.
No more frost hats! It's a good thing,since it snowed today.
Bye for now.

Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for... (in no particular order)
  • Mommy and Daddy
  • Stella and Mr. Turtle
  • Grammie and Papa
  • Grandma and Pop
  • Aunt Dawn
  • Warm food
  • Great Aunt Melody
  • Maggi
  • Barack Obama
  • Tigger and Lucy
  • Olbermann Fish


There is a new person here. He is bald like me.
Tomorrow we will eat turkey.
Mommy said I can have some cool whip.


Where have all my comments gone?
I miss them.

Zia's Auto Tip #320

Ask your mechanic if they are running any specials or will match a coupon from a competitor.

Through the end of December, I'm offering a full synthetic oil change with 40 point inspection and free tire rotation for $39.99.

Dear Santa (Part 2) - The Addendums

Dear Santa -
Please don't forget about my Aunt Maggi.
She doesn't have a blog and I don't think she knows how to read or write.

Also, my mommy has a list for you if you want it.

In "Dear Santa, Part 1", I asked for a Fisher Price High Chair. It is very nice, but that was before I knew about this marvelous piece of furniture.

Thank you for your consideration. I am still a very good girl.

Pineapple Princess, Zia

New Outfit

I got a new outfit with little Aunt Maggi's on them.
I wonder if Aunt Maggi has an outfit with little Zia's on them...

Goodbye Tuesday, Hello Wednesday

Such a busy day...
Ate my food
Met Mommy at Red Robin for Lunch
Got a balloon
Went to Target with Grammie
Ate my food
Now Daddy's Home.

Street Cred

I'm Hip Hop Zia and I'm here to say...
I'm going to see my Grammie to-day.

Dear Santa (Part 1)

Dear Santa -
I'm new this year, so I'm not sure how this works, but here is some stuff I think is cool.
Mommy and Daddy say I have been a good girl this year. I have other references available upon request.
Thank you for your consideration. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

P.S. Please bring nice things to my sisters, Tigger and Lucy. They don't have their own blogs.

Ha Ha!

I laughed at mommy.
She's funny when she eats cannoli.

Bath Time

Splish Splash I was taking a bath!

Modeling Career

If I was any cuter I would explode into a rainbow of puppies and kittens with bows in their ears.

(The remainder of my photo shoot will be available after the holiday season.)

Pineapples and Thanksgiving

The Pineapples celebrate Thanksgiving, since most people eat turkey and not Pineapple. (This is one of the many things the Pineapples are thankful for.)

The Pineapples do not celebrate Easter.


I have learned...
  • How to stick out my tongue when mommy does it
  • How to gobble like a turkey
  • About the pilgrims and the 1st Thanksgiving
  • How not to take naps when I should
  • That toys are no fun without batteries


I am very sleepy today.
Good night all.


I am working diligently on my Christmas list for Santa Claus.
I hope he has not been hurt by the economic crisis. I need STUFF.

Tomato Conflict Update

The tomatoes withdrew upon news that their General had gone mushy.
Peace has once again been restored to the Pineapples

Pineapple Press Release

Monday, November 17 2008

Pineapple Princess Zia has ordered that the Pineapple Army prepare for battle with the Tomatoes. Intelligence shows that the Tomatoes have violated Pineapple air space in preparation for a takeover of the Pineapple Kingdom. More updates to follow.


Mommy says we can get Pineapple tattoos when I'm older.
A lot older.

What a Day!

Up at 4
Up at 8:30
Play in Space
Lunch with Grammie and PaPa
Grammie's House
Hair Salon

Good Day

I had such a good day.
I got to hang out with Mommy, Daddy, Grammie, PaPa and Maggi.

Up Late

I was up late watching TV again.

I wonder.

If someone is an honorary Pineapple, and they were caught EATING Pineapple, would that make them a cannibal?


Why would someone ask if I wanted a kid's menu?
I'm guessing it didn't look like this:

Breast Milk $1.99/oz.
Similac $1.60/oz. (available in 4oz. and 8oz. only)
Enfamil $1.60/oz. (available in 4oz. and 8 oz. only)

Jeans vs. Dress

Jeans win.

Hard Work

Professional photography is hard work.


I like catalog shopping. They have pretty colors and pretty people.
I would really love QVC if I was allowed to watch TV.

Zia's Auto Tip #319

If your antifreeze is leaking, it's probably a bad gasket.

I like cute.

Grammie got me a cute outfit with polka dot pants!
Mommy got me a cute outfit for my pictures tomorrow!


I am perfect!

Stop Cruelty to Pineapples!

Death to Rachel Ray!

(Warning: Images in video are highly disturbing.)


I like to hold my own bottle.

Zia's Funnies

Gravity really gets me down.

I make poot noises out of my astronaut.


I burp like a grown man.

Zia's Auto Tip #318

Don't forget to check your tire pressure every 3 months.


I had fun with Grammie again today.
We played new games.
I love my new aquarium.
I hope I get to see Papa tomorrow!


I grew more hair today!

Zia the Plumber

No relation to Joe.


I fear denim.


I did not know that this was not the 'International House of Pineapples'.
I had prepared a speech.


Winter is coming. Time for the Pineapples to put on their frost hats.
We are raising money for a greenhouse to keep warm.


I met a boy named Max at IHOP. He is much older.
I'm impressed that he can hold up his own head.
He drools a lot though.

Princess Declaration

I hereby declare that Grammie is an honorary Pineapple!

Big News

President Elect Obama has appointed me as 'Ambassador to the Fruit Nation'.

Fun Day!

I had a fun day at McDonald's with Daddy and Grammie.
I checked out the automotive section at True Value.
Don't tell Papa, but I can get the stuff cheaper at Auto Zone.
Mommy bought me pretty clothes at the mall.

Zia's Auto Tip #317

Don't forget to change your wiper blades before winter.

Moon Walk!

Turtles in Space!

I didn't know that Stella and Mr. Turtle and Mommy could all go into space too. I'm glad.

Pineapple Update

We're preparing for the Pineapple Polka Dot Ball on Sunday.
We invited the strawberries, the carrots, and the marshmallows.

Dr. Phil

I'm watching Dr. Phil right now.


It was very windy in Boulder today.
Mommy ate a panini.
Her friend bought me clothes at Macy's.


I'm hip hop Zia and I'm here to say...
I like to eat my milk all day.

(I'm DJ'ing a party for the Pineapples tonight)

Tummy Time

Stop putting me on my tummy!
I don't like it!

Fuss Bucket

I saved all my fussy for Mommy and Daddy.
I had fun with Papa today. I went easy on him though.

I'm going to Panera with Mommy tomorrow.


Mommy doesn't like it when I talk about Space Camp.
I'm excited for Papa to come visit me though. I'll try not to be fussy.


I'm going to get my hair done with Mommy tonight.
I'm thinking maybe a few highlights and a trim.
I'm tied of having hair like Joe Biden.

Big Night

Everyone should get 12 hours of sleep every night!
I feel gooooooooooooood!

President Obama

That was Change a lot of people could believe in.


Call something already!

Election Night - 3

MSNBC calls Ohio for Obama.
Mommy says that is really good news.

Election Night - 2

Obama is ahead, but they haven't called any swing states yet.
I bet I get to stay up late tonight.

Election Night - 1

I am very sleepy. I hope I can stay awake.
Indiana and Kentucky polls have closed.
Wolf Blitzer is a funny name.

Happy Birthday Mommy!

I want to stay awake for your entire birthday.
I might cry, eat and poop a lot though.

All About Me

I am so fussy!
I am so hungry!

Shout Out!

Shout Out to Great Aunt Melody!


I'm Zia with a Z-I-A.
I refuse to take my naps today.
I like to sit and cry and play.
I'm Zia with a Z-I-A.


Just gonna hang out with Mommy today.
I gotta get caught up on my Princess Paperwork.


Obligatory first bath photo.


I got a new pretty outfit to wear to Denver.
We got pizza for Mommy's birthday.

Election Night

Join me, Zia, for live election night blogging.

Shout Out

Shout Out to the Pineapples!

Slumber Party!

I'm going to Grammie and Papa's for a slumber party!
Mama got me a pink backpack for my stuff.
Stella and Mr. Turtle are going too.
They don't have their own backpacks.

3 AM

Baby, It's 3 AM, I must be lonely....and hungry.


This is Zia's mom.

Thanks to Grammie and Papa for a wonderful Halloween celebration! (Even if Grammie did think she was Santa or maybe a strawberry.)

We have many new traditions for little miss Zia!

Right Now

Rocking out to 'Thriller'.


I ate so much candy that I'm never going to sleep.

I got a...
  • tootsie roll
  • chocolate covered marshmallow
  • twinkie (yah, a twinkie!)
  • carmel apple
  • twix bar
  • hershey bar
  • homemade sugar cookies
  • candy necklace
  • ring pop
  • sweet tarts


I Love Halloween!

Guess where I got my outfit?
Gnome Depot!


I want candy!!!

12 Weeks Ago Today

I was born!

Play Time

I like play time. Play time is fun.
I eat my food, then I play.


Happy Halloween!

I bet you want to know what I'm dressing up as tonight!

Good Night

I had a fun day. I am tired.
Good Night Mommy, Daddy, Stella, and Mr. Turtle.

Trade Agreements 101

It is in the best interest of the Pineapples to have free trade with the other fruits.
The recent trade agreement with the Strawberries allows us to sell scarves and bubble gum to the Strawberries and in return we get to buy candy bars and hats.

I Feel Pretty!


I surprised Grammie for lunch today.
It was fun. I love Diet Coke.

Civic Duty

I went to the Obama office today and helped Mama make phone calls.
She did most of the talking.

Shout Out

Shout Out to Grandma and Pop!

Right Now

Obama is on TV!
Mommy is shopping for me online!

Polka Dots

All over my pants.


I love taking naps with Papa.

Big Day

I had SUCH a big day with Grammie and Papa!
  1. Rumbi is fun.
  2. I love purses.
  3. Ice cream is cold.
I will sleep hard tonight.


Where are we going tomorrow?


Why didn't Papa let me change his oil?
It's only $29.95 + oil disposal fee. I do a free 40 point inspection.


Shopping is so much fun. I hope Mommy and Daddy make a lot of money.


How did I get poop in my hair?


Her hat is fun to grab and her head is fun to lick.


I bet you are wondering if I am sleeping right now.


Grammie is so much fun I refuse to take naps.


Why does everyone keep asking me if my Mama is a Llama?

Balloon Star

Watch me and my balloon.


My mom made sweet stuff out of cereal, 'cause that's what moms do.


I'm getting pretty good at holding up my head.
Mommy and Daddy say I'm a big girl.

Just Another Day

We finally signed a trade agreement with the Strawberries.

A New Friend

Her name is Stella. Her head is tasty.

Mr. Turtle


My Halloween costume is complete.
I hope I get lots of candy.
Oh wait, I can't eat candy. :-(


I want my food now old man!
Just wait until I have teeth.

Shout Out

Hi Grammie and PaPa!

Red Robin

My mom got me a purple balloon. I gave it to my best friend, Mr. Turtle.


I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

Early Voting Pictures


I Voted!

I got a sticker.
Everyone thought I was a boy.


Naked time is fun. Oh, I like ceiling fans.


My hands are SO tasty. I don't know why.


I am awake and eating my food.
We are going to go Vote and get chicken biscuits.
I hope I get a sticker.

Bed Time

I'm going to sleep now. It was a good day.

2008 Election

Barack Obama loves babies.
John McCain pokes babies with sticks.



Nap Time

Sometimes I don't like to take naps.