
Went to story time at the library. It was Peek a Boo day!
Burped really loud in the middle.
Checked out a book and a CD.
Went to TV to see Grammie and PaPa.
Went to Lowes and Chipotle for a giant burrito. Ate sweet potatoes and chicken instead.
Bed Time.
(I think mommy is watching Grey's Anatomy without me again.)


I am snowed in with my Mommy, Grammie, and Daddy.
I ate a snowball.
We are having homemade pizza and cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Shout Out

Happy Birthday Great Aunt Melody!!
Grammie and I are calling you later today.

Shout Out!

Shout Out to Aunt Maggi!
Woof Woof!

My Saturday in Longmont

I went and had lunch at The Rib House. They make really tasty Apples & Apricots.
Then we went to the park! I played and got to ride on the swing with Daddy.
Then I went to Kohl's and took a nap and then to Target.
It was a busy fun day!

Story Time!

Grammie took me to story time at the Estes Park library on Friday.
It was Pizza Day!
There was a pizza book and a pizza cartoon and real pizza.
I had lots of fun.

Then Grammie went to lunch (pizza) and bought me a new book.

Mommy is appalled that they had videos at the library.
She's taking me next week. I hope there's not an incident.

Pineapple Awakening

I am happy to report that ALL the Pineapples awoke safe and sound during the Great Pineapple Wake Up.
I want to thank Grammie for an inspired invocation and to Chuck Norris for leading the parade.
We had 115 visitors to the Greenhouse, a new record.

However, there was an 'incident' at the parade in which evil corporate conglomerates 'Dole' and 'Del Monte' arrived and tried to capture many different varieties of fruit. (It turns out that they had secretly had us certified organic.)

They were distributing disturbing propaganda, as seen here.

Chuck Norris led a group of badgers, beavers,and porcupines to take out the evil doers.

There is legal action pending.

Important Update

Due to pending legal action against 'Dole' and 'Del Monte' for activities that occurred during the First Annual Celebration of Fruit parade, I have not be allowed to update the blog. The ban has been lifted and I can now break my silence.


I gotta stop eating those Lean Cuisine meals for dinner.
I always wake up at 4:30 am really hungry.

Peek a Boo!

I can play Peek a Boo. It's fun.

Pineapple Press Release

It's Official - The Pineapples will awaken from their winter slumber on Saturday, March 14!
The badgers and the insomniac Pineapples have been working feverishly on the festivities.

All are welcome to come and tour the new Greenhouse and take a ride on the Pineapple Express for $9 ea. Children 2 and under are free.

The Great Pineapple Wake Up '09 schedule is as follows:

8:00 am - Pineapples start to awaken
8:30 am - Address by the Pineapple Princess to all Pineapples
8:45 am - Invocation by Honorary Pineapple Grammie
9:00 am - Doors Open to Public
12:00 pm - First Annual Celebration of Fruit Parade (with Grand Marshall, Chuck Norris)
2:00 pm - Pineapple Pool Party (closed to Public)
4:00 pm - Public tours end


Paparazzi found me in Illinois!

7 Months

That's how old I am today.

What a Week!

I don't even know where to begin!
I am sick right now. So are Mommy, Daddy, and Grammie.
I got sick in the car yesterday and got to go to a big fancy house to get cleaned up.
I feel better this morning.

Pineapples are good. Everything is going as scheduled for the big wake up this week.


Trip Update

Day 1: Threw up on airplane.
Day 2: Peed on self at Cracker Barrel
Day 3: A little boy brushed my hair.

I'm not sure I like life at sea level.