Dear Santa (Part 2) - The Addendums

Dear Santa -
Please don't forget about my Aunt Maggi.
She doesn't have a blog and I don't think she knows how to read or write.

Also, my mommy has a list for you if you want it.

In "Dear Santa, Part 1", I asked for a Fisher Price High Chair. It is very nice, but that was before I knew about this marvelous piece of furniture.

Thank you for your consideration. I am still a very good girl.

Pineapple Princess, Zia


Melody | November 28, 2008 at 3:40 PM

Zia, you are an expert shopper! I'm impressed! This is definitely an awesome piece of furniture. I'm bookmarking it for future consideration for your baby cousin, Brady or Leah. Keep the ideas coming!

Love, Your Great (super, terrific) Aunt Melody

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