I'm Back!

For some reason I can't blog when Mommy is gone. I think she knows the password.

It's been a weird week. I didn't see Mommy for two days and today I saw her the whole day.

We went to Chipotle (I ate a banana), the Post Office (I sat on the counter), and SuperTarget (I ate paper, lost Ursula and found Ursula).

Movin' and Groovin'

Mommy and Daddy are rearranging everything, putting cool stuff up high and locking up the cabinets. Weird. I wonder if it has anything to do with me crawling forwards really fast.
I love to play with Mommy's laptop.

I have THREE teeth.

I went to Lowe's, the plant store and Chipotle today. Now I need a big nap.

I eat all the time. Mommy says I can have Lasagna for dinner. Cool.

9 Month Weigh In

19 lbs. 9 oz.!
Dr. Beuf says I have a big brain and I'm going to be a tall girl!

Ursula the Ulcer

So Much Fun I Can't Sleep

Burger King....Toy Store.....Park
I got a Stomach Ulcer. It's a toy, not a disease.


I ate an avocado today. It needed a little lime and salt. Chips would have been nice too.

Me and Mom

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

My mom's cool. She left me at Grammie's so she could go out to see Joel McHale and Star Trek. It's not like I wanted to go or anything.

Oh wait, she reads this.
I love you mom!!!!!!!

Is There a Doctor In The House?

I think I'm getting fangs.
I'm worried I might be a Vampire.


I'm on a nap strike.
I don't know what my demands are though.

Pineapple Update

Dear Pineapple Nation -
It's time for our annual spring fling. It will be Sadie Hawkins style this year, so all you Pineapple gals ask your favorite Pineapple to be your date.
Music will be provided by Bananarama.

Guess What I Can Do?

I can shake my head 'No' at everything AND I can pee out of my crib.
Big day so far.